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- ; Examine the SIMPLE_WINDOW.S before you try this one. In this source,
- ; some more commands in the doslib are used.
- START: movem.l d0-a6,-(a7) ; save all registers on stack
- move.l $4,a6
- move.l #doslibname,a1
- jsr -408(a6)
- move.l d0,dosbase
- beq.w error
- OPEN: move.l #filename,d1 ; open a window (see filename)
- move.l #1006,d2
- move.l dosbase,a6
- jsr -30(a6)
- move.l d0,filehandle
- beq.w error
- WRITE: move.l filehandle,d1 ; handle of file (window)
- move.l #menutext,d2 ; address of text
- move.l #endofmenutext-menutext,d3 ; length of text
- move.l dosbase,a6
- jsr -48(a6) ; 'Write'
- READ: ; read some text from this window (you must type something!)
- ; the READ command in the doslib is used. It needs 3 parameters:
- move.l filehandle,d1 ; again, d1 must contain the
- ; handle of our file (window)
- move.l #buffer,d2 ; d2 must contain the address
- ; of the buffer, where the
- ; text to be read will be
- ; stored to.
- move.l #5,d3 ; d3=the amount of bytes to be
- ; read. (unless you type
- ; return earlier)
- move.l dosbase,a6
- jsr -42(a6) ; call the 'read' command
- CHECK: move.b buffer,d0 ; check first character in the
- ; buffer:
- cmp.b #"1",d0
- beq.s routine1 ; switch to each routine
- cmp.b #"2",d0 ; for the different possible
- beq.s routine2 ; menu-options
- cmp.b #"3",d0
- beq.s routine3
- cmp.b #"4",d0
- beq.w close ; 4: end-of-program
- ; none of the possible characters were entered, so the user typed
- ; something else: display an error message, using the WRITE command:
- move.l filehandle,d1 ; handle of output-file
- move.l #errormessage,d2 ; address of the text
- move.l #endoferror-errormessage,d3 ; length of text
- move.l dosbase,a6
- jsr -48(a6) ; 'Write'
- DELAY: ; now wait 1 second and re-display the menu
- move.l #50,d1 ; time to delay (1 sec)
- move.l dosbase,a6
- jsr -198(a6) ; 'delay'
- bra WRITE ; and goto 'WRITE'
- *********
- routine1:
- move.l filehandle,d1 ; handle of output-file
- move.l #message1,d2 ; address of the text
- move.l #endm1-message1,d3 ; length of text
- move.l dosbase,a6
- jsr -48(a6) ; 'Write'
- bra delay ; continue at 'delay'
- routine2:
- move.l filehandle,d1 ; handle of output-file
- move.l #message2,d2 ; address of the text
- move.l #endm2-message2,d3 ; length of text
- move.l dosbase,a6
- jsr -48(a6) ; 'Write'
- bra delay ; continue at 'delay'
- routine3:
- move.l filehandle,d1 ; handle of output-file
- move.l #message3,d2 ; address of the text
- move.l #endm3-message3,d3 ; length of text
- move.l dosbase,a6
- jsr -48(a6) ; 'Write'
- bra delay ; continue at 'delay'
- ***********
- CLOSE: ; now close the file, opened with the OPEN command. This will in this
- ; case close the window.
- move.l filehandle,d1 ; d1 must contain the file-
- ; handle.
- move.l dosbase,a6
- jsr -36(a6) ; call the 'close' command.
- error: movem.l (a7)+,d0-a6 ; restore all registers
- rts ; end of program
- ***************************
- ;; Here starts the DATA part. Make sure it is situated BEHIND the code-part
- doslibname: dc.b "dos.library",0
- filename: dc.b "con:100/50/440/180/ Simple Menu, made for Mike ",0
- menutext: dc.b 27,"c" ; 27,"c" clears the window
- dc.b 10 ; 10 means 'return'
- dc.b 10
- dc.b " Please make a selection:",10
- dc.b " ------------------------",10
- dc.b 10
- dc.b 10
- dc.b " 1. blabla",10
- dc.b " 2. blabla",10
- dc.b " 3. blabla",10
- dc.b " 4. exit",10
- dc.b 10
- dc.b " Your choice: ",0
- endofmenutext:
- message1: dc.b 10,"You typed '1'",0
- endm1:
- message2: dc.b 10,"You typed '2'",0
- endm2:
- message3: dc.b 10,"You typed '3'",0
- endm3:
- errormessage: dc.b 10,"Wrong selection ! Please try again !",0
- endoferror:
- buffer: blk.b 5,0 ; reserve 5 bytes to read some text
- even
- dosbase: dc.l 0
- filehandle: dc.l 0